How to use a derma roller?

How to use a derma roller?

Trim your beard or shave it.
For optimal results, ensure your beard is trimmed or shaved so that the derma roller can make even contact with your skin.

Cleanse your beard/face.
Thoroughly wash your beard and the surrounding skin with a mild cleanser to eliminate any dirt, oil, or debris. Gently pat it dry with a clean towel.

Sterilize the derma roller. 

Before each use, soak your derma roller in rubbing alcohol for at least 10 minutes. Rinse it with hot water afterward and allow it to air dry. Learn how to properly clean your derma roller.

Begin derma rolling with light pressure.

Use gentle, consistent pressure while derma rolling. Avoid pressing too hard; the weight of the derma roller should be enough for the needles to penetrate the skin. Applying excessive pressure can cause skin damage and discomfort.

Roll uniformly. Ensure that you roll the derma roller evenly in all directions—horizontally, vertically, and diagonally—over the treatment area. This guarantees that the micro-needles create uniform channels in the skin for improved results.

Avoid overlapping. Refrain from rolling over the same area multiple times during a single session to prevent irritation and damage. Each pass should cover a different part of your beard.

Use common sense.

If you encounter excessive pain, bleeding, or significant discomfort, discontinue use immediately and seek advice from a healthcare professional.

Refrain from use if you have acne.

Avoid using a derma roller if you have active acne, an infection, or a tendency to develop keloids.
Replace regularly. To maximize benefits, replace your derma roller every few months.


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