Using minoxidil to enhance facial hair.

Using minoxidil to enhance facial hair.

Genetics and hormones play the primary roles in determining the speed and fullness of a person's beard growth.

Exercise, a healthy diet, supplements, skincare, and various other tips might accelerate beard growth.

Testosterone, a hormone crucial for facial hair growth, can vary in levels. Typically, males aged 19 to 38 have testosterone levels ranging from 264 to 916 nanograms per deciliter, representing the 2.5th to 97.5th percentile. Low testosterone levels can hinder beard growth.

As observed, the twins were identical males with no existing medical conditions. One twin applied approximately 1.5 g (¾ of a cap) of 5% topical minoxidil foam once daily to the beard and mustache area, while the other twin did not use the medication. Both twins reported having similar, if not nearly identical, facial hair density and distribution before starting the medication.

At the 1-month mark, the twin using minoxidil noted the appearance of new, finer, lighter-colored hairs. By the 2-month mark, there was a modest increase in facial hair density. Around 3 months after starting minoxidil, the twin experienced shedding of beard hairs, similar to what is commonly observed on the scalp. It is speculated that this shedding represents hairs in the telogen phase shedding early before entering the anagen phase. Following the shedding phase, facial hair growth resumed and continued to progress gradually.

After 16 months of using minoxidil, a significant improvement in hair count and density in both the beard and mustache areas can be seen in the treated twin, as illustrated on picture above.


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